Tag Archives: socks

Were YOU This Productive Today?

Look what I did over my lunch break today!

I ate Jell-O with my feet on the table!  Ummm, no… that’s not it… let’s zoom in a bit…

Ohhhhhh… I finished the socks for my daughter!  Finally!  They came out great – love the crazy pastel yarn.

I also finished coding and testing that major project at work.  But the socks are way cooler.






Filed under Knitting, Yarn

What Is It About Socks… ?

First Norfolk Rambler finished!

Do you know how hard it is to take pictures of your own feet?

Check out the diamonds on the toes!

Here's that Welsh heel. Glad I didn't give up on learning this new technique. And it's quite comfy!


What is it about sock knitting that’s so rewarding?  I love knitting just about everything, but there’s something about making your way through each section of a sock that’s just… so… comforting.  When I first attempted the knitted sock back in 2007, I thought the whole process was so elusive and mysterious – very much the “If-I-can-knit-socks-I-can-knit-anything” mentality.  It may have lost some of the original mystique, but none of the joy or sense of accomplishment when I’m wearing the finished product, or when my family wears theirs.  I’ve heard other knitters say that they don’t knit socks because they don’t want to spend time on something that no one will see.  I look at it like beautiful lingerie – no one else may see it, but I know it’s there.  And sometimes that’s enough.

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Filed under Knitting

Vacation Knitting.

Aaaaaahhhh… I’m on vacation, as of today.  No, I’m not in Hawaii or Jamaica or Beijing or anything… I’m home with Husband and Daughter, which is more affordable and, strangely, more vacation-y.  We usually go down to Florida for our vacation, which is great because we get to see our families, but it’s just not happening this year.  No matter – we’ve planned some fun day trips around the area, which we’re looking forward to.  Details on that to come.

So what am I knitting this vacation?  I finished a pair of socks for Daughter just a few hours ago, which came out great… trust me on this, since I don’t have a picture because they’re already tucked away in her sock drawer and since she’s in the midst of falling asleep right now there’s no way I’m marching into her room to retrieve them just to get a picture so I’ll just do that tomorrow, okay?

And now I’m knitting… nothing.  Well, not nothing, I’ve got choices, but what to choose?  I have that second scarf to knit for my project manager, which I REALLY want to start, but I have to get his sign-off on the yarn I chose first.  And depending on how excited (or desperate) I am about it, this might not happen until after vacation.  I could start the pair of fingerless gloves I’ve been coveting for over a year now, but that means knitting with 100% wool – is that really a good idea in the middle of August?  Or I could start a pair of socks for me, which would be an easy and fun project except… I’m going to try out the Magic Loop method for the first time, so these socks will probably take me twice as long as I get used to working with two circular needles instead of four dpns.  There’s always the shawl that’s been waiting for me for a year so I can try my hands at lace knitting, but really, this project screams WINTER.  And these things are just the projects that I happen to have the stash for… should I even mention the projects that I’m planning that I haven’t even acquired the yarn for yet?  

No.  Not today.  Today is for pondering.  Tomorrow will be for deciding.  Meanwhile, what’s everyone else knitting?

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